March 2021 DRAFT Minutes

z-Village crest



3 Parishioners Present - Points raised by Parishioners:

LP23 Open Space Listing: Parishioner requested reassurance that the council supported this listing on the Local Plan. The Chairperson confirmed that the council is aware of the Important Open Space listing to which he referred. Cllr Sharman stated that North Kesteven DC will be consulting on a review of the Local Plan in the summer, the council will consider its submission in due course, and is likely to comment on preservation of open land, noting that at present the only designated Important Open Space is in a private garden, while Timberland Green has no listed status.

Tree Planting: Parishioner questioned whether the Council had considered suggesting a location for tree planting. The Chair clarified that a walk around the Parish had taken place and apart from the corner of Bayfield, it considered that land was not available for planting trees. Parishioner suggested that the land to the rear of the Church could be considered. This can be included as part of the consultation in the Local Plan as a future proposal.

Minutes: Parishioner questioned wording of public session in the September meeting raised in November. Parishioner requested by the Clerk to confirm in writing after the meeting to the Clerk to look into.

Farm Entrance across pavement:  Parishioner requested a copy of the correspondence with the Planning Department. The Clerk to attach this to the minutes as requested.

Footpaths: Work on this is on-going separate to and including the Local Plan consultation.


These are the draft Minutes of the Parish Meeting held via zoom on Wednesday

17th March 2021 at 7.20pm.

Meeting Recorded for minute purposes

Those present:

Parish Councillors Stirling, Kornat, Audis, Sharplin, Sharman, Lenton, County Councillor Kendrick and the Parish Clerk.

1.      Apologies

Cllr. Ogden

2.     Declarations of Interest


Matters Arising

Included on the Agenda

3.     Minutes of the Parish Meeting 20th January 2021

Agreed as a correct record

Proposed:   Cllr. Sharplin  Seconded: Cllr. Kornat

All Agreed

4. County and District Councillor Remarks

Cllr. Kendrick thanked by the Chair for his email updates all of which are available on request and includes the following:

The Government has issued extra funding for families around obesity. Public health is also involved.

Covid infection rates are falling across the district and the vaccination programme is going well.

Cllr. Kendrick found the walkabout helpful to resolve the issue of the footpath and will be working on this over the next few days.

Business grants are available for those affected by Covid.

Household recycling services are now open on a daily basis and the booking system will remain in place as it has proved successful in avoiding queues.

Fix my Street has been updated and improved and seems to be working well. 21000 potholes were filled in January.

Cllr. Kendrick informed the Council that the Thorpe Tilney parishioners have been contacted about the hedge which has not yet been cut.

Outstanding damaged/lost signs to be chased by him and he will report back asap.

He will check whether footpaths are allowed to be used by horses.

5. Planning

5.1 Infrastructure and current application

A reply had been received from the Planning Officer and a discussion took place about the number of dwellings in the village, which appear to be above the total permitted growth prescribed in the Local Plan, and concern about the capacity of existing village infrastructure, notably drainage and sewerage. It was agreed at the last meeting that all the council's planning application consultation responses should include a request for NKDC to obtain a full assessment of the village from Anglian Water, and wording had subsequently been considered by email.

It was noted that the council's planning policy allows the council to register an objection where an application is considered to impact upon the whole village. It was therefore agreed that Cllrs Kornat and Sharman finalise wording to object to current and future planning applications for new dwellings on the grounds that there has been no assessment of drainage and sewerage capacity and that total permitted growth has been exceeded. 

Agreed: Clerk to send statement to Planning to object to current applications and the Council to object to further applications for new dwellings, on the grounds stated.

All Agreed

5.2    Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr. Sharman had researched the possibility of undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan and at this point thought it would not be helpful. It was agreed that the Council engage in in-depth discussions and consultation on the following during the period of consultation:

  Green Space



  Broad Band

It was also proposed to complete an application for Timberland Green to be made an Asset of Community Value (ACV). Cllrs. Kornat,  Sharman Clerk and to lead on this and report back to the next meeting.

Proposed by:     Cllr. Sharplin                 Seconded:   Cllr. Audis

All Agreed: 

5.3     Emergency Plan

Cllr. Sharman has reviewed the plan and all that needs to be done is to update names and a second option for community assembly point should the Village Hall not be available.

Agreed:   Clerk to update the document and the Chapel to be approached as a possible assembly point by Cllr. Stirling.

6.     Highways

Field Access – This is currently ongoing and the Council will be updated asap.

7.     Parish Items

7.1   Community Market Update

Cllr. Kornat has previously circulated all the dates for the year and these will commence when Covid19 restrictions are lifted.

A veg stall etc has been running, covid safe, outside the Chapel on a Saturday for the time being and has been welcomed by Parishioners.

7.2   Timberland Green

7.2.1 Fuel for the Mower

Cllr. Audis to claim through petty cash for reimbursement of fuel costs.

Proposed:     Cllr. Sharplin      Seconded:    Cllr. Audis

All agreed

7.2.2        Furniture

Cllrs. Sharplin and Audis have now put out all the furniture in readiness for the Spring and Summer

7.2.3       Complaint about nuisance

Some concern had been raised by Parishioners

Agreed:   Cllr. Kornat to contact social media administrators to put a notice on social media asking all users to respect the space for families/children, follow covid guidelines and be considerate to neighbouring properties.

This notice to be included on the website, in the shelter, on the gates and the Timberland Green notice board.

Clerk to contact the concerned resident explaining the planned course of action.

7.3   Grounds Maintenance

Agreed: Clerk to call Fields Estate Officer to a check that it is still ok for the Council to continue to mow the Bayfield corner.

7.4   Timberland Sign

Cllrs. Audis and Stirling have removed the sign. Once the artist has completed the work it will be re-fitted. The art work to be completed on a voluntary basis and material costs to be

re-imbursed. Out of pocket expenses to be made for paints and varnish (a quote has not been given for these materials.)

Cllrs. Audis and Stirling to re-fit the sign when it is ready and the cost for this fitting will be around £60.00

Proposed:    Cllr. Stirling                 Seconded:      Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed

7.5    Family Fun Day

The July date will not now go ahead and a new date will be considered later in the year.  

7.6    Village Hall Update

The Chair of the Timberland Village Hall has kept the Council updated on the refurbishment which has been delayed as a result of issues arising with the builders who have now left the building.

Further updates will follow.

Agreed: Clerk to forward recent email for information

7.7    Notice Board (VH)

This has been delayed as a result of the Village Hall refurbishment.

Agreed:   Quotes to be obtained from a local joiner in consultation with the Village Hall Committee. Cllr. Audis will look into this and feedback to the Council with information.

7.8    Parish Website

The work continues on this to the meet the target date of the end of April.

Agreed:   Clerk and Cllr. Lenton to continue to work on this. Cllr. Kornat to give the memory stick to the Clerk for inclusion on the site including Cllr. Sharman’s introduction.

7.9    Thorpe Tilney Junction

Previously discussed.

7.10  Footpaths

A site meeting has taken place and an in-depth discussion with Cllr. Kendrick.

Work is on-going and consideration to be given to other footpaths around the Parish. The Council is also considering further review to improve/create a footpath between Timberland and Thorpe Tilney junctions.

Agreed: Parish Councillors Stirling, Audis and Lenton to meet and agree an overview of footpaths in a few weeks. 

8.    Clerk’s Update

8.1     Finance

8.1.1  Cheques for Payment   

100708      62.52           L Picker

100709     458.28          Clerk

100710     272.23          LALC

100711     163.64          HMRC

All agreed

Proposed:           Cllr.  Audis           Seconded:     Cllr.  Stirling

All agreed

8.1.2  Bank Statement Balances

Community Account:   £  7008.73

Business Account:        £  1963.63

8.1.3    Audit 2020-2021

Previous internal auditor to be approached to undertake the audit.

Proposed:    Cllr. Kornat    Seconded;    Cllr. Sharplin

All Agreed

8.2      Correspondence and Communications 

8.2.1   The grant application was unsuccessful  as they had decided not to accept applications from  Parish Councils.

The Clerk had looked into Lottery bids but this is not possible until the Lease has been extended to more than 5 years.

8.2.2    Emergency Kit

This a comprehensive kit and for the time being can be stored in the container.

8.2.3    Parishioner’s 100th birthday.

Agreed: Council to send a card and photo to be put on the website celebrating his birthday with permission granted. Parishioners are also invited to ‘covidly safe ’ sing happy birthday outside his house. The Clerk will purchase a card.

Cllr. Kornat to speak to the Parishioner who knows him well for permission to put something on the website to celebrate his life.

8.3.2    Laptop and Printer

Cllr. Lenton and Clerk have looked at laptops and printers. It was agreed for them to go ahead and purchase a new lap top and printer up to a value of £600 which reflects the cost of a decent laptop and a printer in the current market.

Proposed:    Cllr. Sharplin       Seconded:   Cllr. Kornat

All agreed

9.         Agenda Items for the next meeting

Local Plan

Annual Parish Meeting 2022

Tree Planting


10.       Date of the next meeting :  

Annual Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 19th May 2021