September 2020 Minutes

z-Village crest


These are the  Draft Minutes of the Parish Meeting held via zoom on Wednesday 16th September 2020 at 6.55pm.

3 Parishioners Present

Issues Raised by Parishioners:


A Parishioner commented about the recent application in connection with the Manor House.

The Council were asked whether the Parish Council should consider reviewing the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.  The plan contains details of the property being listed as a Heritage Asset and refers to the garden area as an important open space.

Present: Parish Cllrs Stirling, Kornat, Audis, Sharman, Sharplin, Lenton and the Parish Clerk.

1. Apologies

Cllrs. Kendrick, Ogden and Dee

2. Matters Arising

Included in the Agenda

3. Minutes of the Parish Meeting 15th July 2020

Agreed as a correct record

Proposed:   Cllr. Kornat     Seconded: Cllr. Sharman

All Agreed

4. County and District Councillor Remarks

Councillors not present

Agreed: Clerk to look into why Cllr. Sanderson does not attend meetings or send apologies

5. Planning

The planning submitted for the Manor had been discussed in the public session.

Agreed: Cllr. Lenton agreed to look into the Heritage Statements included in the Lincolnshire Local Plan and report back to the Council with regard to the garden being categorised as an ‘important open space’.

The Parish Council will not comment on this application in line with the Planning Policy.

6. Highways

6.1 Thorpe Tilney Speeding

Cllr. Kendrick continues to work with this on behalf of the parishioners and the Parish Council, reporting that an application for a speed reduction has been made and a survey will be undertaken.

6.2 Fen Road

As requested, the Clerk had contacted Highways with the attached evidence and a reply had been received.

The Highways Officer recognised the concerns raised but re-stated that other roads remain a priority for the time being. The road side hedges will be cleared asap to improve visibility.

He also requested that Parishioners and Councillors use the Report on Line System.

6.3 Street Light on Main Street

Agreed:  Cllr. Stirling to check whether this has been repaired.

7. Parish Items

7.1 Community Market Update

Covid 19 is preventing any further progress on this.

7.2 Timberland Green

7.2.1 ROSPA

This report has now been received without any major concerns being raised.

Cllr. Audis report on the minor comments made.

Agreed: The Clerk to give the copy to Cllr. Audis and send response to the inspector regarding the Swings and the strimming as requested.

7.3 Grounds Maintenance

Cllr. Audis continues to maintain the Bayfield Corner and payment has been received by the Clerk.

7.4 Timberland Painted Sign

Agreed: Cllr. Kornat to speak to another local artist to see if it is possible to restore the painted sign which is in need of a repaint.

Cllr. Stirling confirmed that a parishioner donated part of the sign and the main carving was painted by the prisoners

7.5 Family Fun Day

Agreed: As soon as possible a future Family Fun Day will be planned.

7.6 Footpath – Designated Map

This is ongoing and waiting for a site visit from Cllr. Kendrick to discuss the detail.

7.7 Village Hall Update

Cllr. Kornat informed the Council that due to work to be commenced on the 24th September the Village Hall will be closed until December at the earliest.

7.8 Community Champion Shortlist

The Clerk confirmed that the MATES nomination has been shortlisted to the final 3 and the results will be out soon.

7.9 Dog Bin on Hallams Lane

Agreed: Cllr. Audis to order small red  dog bin which is mounted on a post to the value of  approximately £130 including fixing.

Proposed by:  Cllr. Kornat     Seconded by:       Cllr. Sharman

Clerk to contact the NKDC officer who has agreed to fit the bin.

7.10 Church Lane Dyke

Agreed:  A site meeting to take place with the Drainage Board, Cllrs Audis and Stirling and the Parishioner Flood Warden on the 4th November.

Clerk to confirm the time of the meeting.

7.11 The Penny Farthing and Asset of Community Vale

Cllr. Kornat and the Clerk reported that it has been confirmed that the Penny Farthing will be on the list for the next 5 years.

Agreed:   Cllr. Kornat to inform the Licensee of the Penny Farthing.

7.12 Notice Board

Agreed: The Clerk to contact the Village Hall Committee to discuss the future of their notice board and whether 2 new notice boards are required.  It is possible that the Community Infrastructure Levy funding could meet part or all of the cost.

7.13 Covid19 and Mates

Cllr. Sharman gave an update on MATES and the work so far. The funding available will be held on account for any future  needs to be met. A report had been written which highlighted the work of the group of volunteers and questioned the role of the Councils at the start of the outbreak.

Agreed: The Clerk to forward a copy of the report to the Council and the Emergency Plan to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.

7.14 Annual Parish Council Meeting

Agreed: It was agreed that the Annual Parish Council Meeting will take place on Wednesday 19th May 2021.

7.15 Parish Website

The Clerk informed the Council that the technical issues relating to the cross-over from the old website to the new one has been unsurmountable due to the 3rd party technical support not now being available. Cllr. Lenton and the Clerk have very recently completed the training and input to the new site will take place as soon as possible. However, it is not yet clear when this new website will be live.

Agreed:  Clerk to meet with Cllr. Lenton and to keep the Council informed of progress. The notice boards will be the main point of contact for the time being.

8. Clerk’s Update

8.1 Finance

8.1.1 Cheques for Payment         

100687                  20.00          Laptop Repair

100688                  82.20          Inspection ROSPA

100689                 126.00         Community Heartbeat Trust

100690                 413.41         Clerk Salary

100691                   55.81         Litter Picker Salary

100692                 100.00         Petty Cash

Proposed :   Cllr. Lenton    Seconded:     Cllr. Sharplin

All Agreed

The Clerk informed the Council new pin access has been requested to access the bank accounts due to issues arising from a change of personnel.  A full report and updated spreadsheet will be available at the next meeting.

8.2 Correspondence/Communications

The Clerk reported that various communications had been forwarded to the Council for their attention and most have been covered in this agenda where necessary.

A letter had been received from a parishioner requesting the minutes are detailed enough to understand fully the  business discussed. Reference was also made to the origins of the Village Sign and who donated it.

8.3 Cllr. Paperwork

All paperwork had now been delivered to the new Councillors and the Clerk will take the signed documentation  to NKDC once it has been received.

8.4 Clerk Vacancy

Agreed: This will now be advertised in Spring 2021 and interviews will take place within an agreed timeline in the new year.

Agreed:   Cllr. Kornat and Sharman to meet to review Standing Orders which include proposals for addressing recruitment, selection and retention of future staff.

9. AOB/Agenda (items for the next meeting)

Emergency Plan

Standing Orders/Recruitment and Selection

10. Closed Session

Agreed: The matter discussed in closed session has been concluded and correspondence agreed.

11. Date of the next meeting:

Wednesday 18th November 6.55 via Zoom