November 2020 Minutes

z-Village crest

These are the Minutes of the Parish Meeting held via zoom on Wednesday 18 November 2020 at 6.55pm. 

Three Parishioners Present - Issues Raised by Parishioners: A parishioner referred to the previous minutes and the wording of an issued raised.

Agreed: To re-word the minutes to more accurately reflect the discussion.

The Parishioner informed the Council that NKDC have very recently reported a Tree Strategy Consultation and the Parish Council has until Friday 4th December to comment to NKDC.

Agreed: Cllr. Lenton to look into this and feed back to the Council

The Clerk updated the meeting on the current situation with regard to the footpath application.

Agreed: Cllr. Kenrick offered to help support this application to reinstate the footpath to the designated map.

Present: Parish Cllrs. Stirling, Kornat, Audis, Sharman, Sharplin, Lenton and the Parish Clerk.

1.  Apologies - Cllr. Ogden

2. Declarations of Interest - None

Matters Arising

Included in the Agenda

3. Minutes of the Parish Meeting 16th September 2020 - Agreed as a correct record. Proposed: Cllr. Sharman, Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin.

All Agreed

4. County and District Councillor Remarks: Cllr. Kendrick had distributed his usual monthly report (available on request and will be included on the website in future). He also informed the meeting that home schooling is under review, a live feed is available on the LCC website. Speed limits continue to be a priority and speed reductions are underway for the Thorpe Tilney road.

5. Planning - Recent correspondence informed the Council that a TPO may be put on some trees in the garden of the Manor House. Details on the Planning Portal (NKDC).

6. Highways - A parishioner had contact NKDC directly about the entrance to the field previously used as the Cricket Pitch. The enforcement team have written to the owner of the land and requested a retrospective application to be sent to the Planning.

Agreed: The Council to wait until January for the application to be submitted to request access across the grass verge. If an  application isn’t received the Council will contact Highways.

Cllr. Lenton informed the Council of the progress of his investigations into the designation of Important Open Space(IOS) for land in front of the Manor House. There will be a consultation exercise beginning early 2021 which will be an opportunity for the Parish Council to have some input into this and any land in the Parish including the Timberland Green and the footpaths.

Agreed: Cllr. Lenton to send the email detailing the information so far with regard to the IOS. The Council to continue to apply to protect the Timberland Green as an essential green space.

Cllr. Audis expressed his concerns with regard to the length of time it is taking to replace signs etc.

Cllr. Kornat mentioned the triangular bumpy road  signs (x2) which are damaged and beyond repair.

Agreed: Cllr. Audis and the Clerk to contact Cllr. Kendrick with all the concerns and send photos if they are available.

Correspondence has been received informing the County Council that a formal speed reduction application is in the process of being agreed.

7. Parish Items

7.1. Community Market Update

Cllr. Kornat informed the Council of the Pop – Up Shop planned for the 5th December at the chapel.

The old Timberland Times Magazine has been re-printed and put on a memory stick.

A request has been received to meet the cost of this to the value of £36.99.

Agreed: Cllr Kornat and Audis to distribute leaflets and posters. Parish Council to pay for the cost of the Timberland Times. Proposed: Cllr. Sharplin, Seconded: Cllr. Sharman. Cllr. Lenton and Clerk to put the Times on the website. Cllr. Kornat to give the Clerk the receipt for it.

7.2. Timberland Green

7.2.1. Church Wall - This is on-going. The vicar is still dealing with the insurance company.

7.2.2. Mower Service. Agreed: This is a priority for the Council. Cllr. Audis to check prices for the Service including new cutting blades. The final cost to be agreed via emails after comparing costs. Proposed: Cllr. Sharplin, Seconded: Cllr. Sharman.

All agreed.

7.3. Grounds Maintenance

7.3.1. Bayfield cutting has now been completed (17 cuts in total) - Agreed: Clerk to request a cut of the hedge on the footpath in the field and to chase up payments for grass cutting.

7.4. Timberland Painted Sign - Agreed: Cllr. Kornat to ask another local artist to repaint the sign. If this is not possible Cllr. Stirling is prepared to do some work on this with some help from Cllr. Audis to take the sign down.

7.5. Family Fun Day - Agreed: The sub group will meet in January 2021 to discuss a possible date.

7.6. Footpath – Designated Map - This is ongoing and Cllr. Kendrick will support the application.

7.7. Village Hall Update - The chair of the Village Hall Committee has sent out a report informing the Council that work may be completed in February 2021.

7.8. Community Champion - MATES were the winners of this and the Parish Council has a copy of the Certificate that will be displayed in the Village Hall. The Chair personally thanked Sue Sharman for all her efforts in supporting this work. A copy of the Certificate has been put up in the Notice Boards. Agreed: Cllr. Lenton and the Clerk to include this on the website asap.       

7.9   Dog Bin on Hallams Lane - All completed.

7.10. Church Lane Dyke - A meeting has taken place which included a walk around the full length of the water course and a request made to change the elbow at the bottom of Church Lane and for trees to be removed. It was suggested that the Parish Council may have to meet the cost of dredging by raising the precept although this is not the preferred option. Agreed: It was agreed that it is the responsibility of the house owners to clear the dyke in front of their homes. Clerk to check riparian ownership and if it is 50% shared responsibility the Clerk to write to Highways. The Drainage Board to write to owners informing them of their responsibility to keep the dyke clear. The farmer is responsible for the dyke leading up to Timberland Green and work is planned for the future.

7.11. Notice Board - A general discussion took place. There is general agreement that the noticeboard should match the design of the new Village Hall Board. Agreed:  Cllr. Kornat to check with the Village Hall Committee on progress to date including the final designs. The proposal is for the Infra-structure Levy Fund to be used to pay for the Parish Council noticeboard.

7.12. Covid 19 - Ongoing. Government Guidance to be followed at all times. Agreed:  Clerk to prepare statement for the three Noticeboards and the website.

7.13 Parish Website - Work continues on this.

7.14 Emergency Plan - Agreed: The Council to review the emergency plan. Cllr. Sharman to look into plans from other Councils. Clerk to review email received from the MATES co-ordinator and forward to the Council. Cllr. Kornat and Cllr. Sharman to work on this together over the coming months.

8.  Clerk’s Update

8.1. Finance

8.1.1. Cheques for Payment 

100693: £159.62 - Glasdon

100694: £57.50 - SLCC

100695: cancelled

100696: £235.44 - HMRC

100697: £452.34 - Clerk

100698: £62.52 - Litter Picker

Proposed: Cllr. Kornat, Seconded: Cllr. Sharman. All agreed

8.1.2. Bank Statement Balances

Community Account: £8529.96

Business Account: £1963.53

8.1.3. Standing Orders - Cllrs Kornat and Sharman have looked at the current standing orders and proposed some amendments. The code of conduct will need to be reviewed once consultation on a new national model is completed. A general discussion took place. All documents to be formally agreed in the May annual meeting. Proposed: Cllr. Audis, Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin. All agreed.

8.1.4. Precept Planning - Agreed: Cllrs Audis, Stirling, Sharman and Lenton to discuss finance to present to the Council for a decision to be made on the precept. The Clerk will ensure the group has all the information needed to make representations to the full council. Proposed: Cllr Sharplin, Seconded: Cllr. Kornat. Agreed: Clerk to co-ordinate an information exchange once the Government Guidance has been declared on the 2nd December 2020.

8.2. Correspondence and Communications - A Councillor has left. All other correspondence received has been forwarded and/or discussed   

8.3. Quality Awards - Agreed: The Council decided not to proceed.

8.4. Meetings – To continue with Microsoft Team in partnership with the Village Hall

9. Agenda Items for the Next Meeting


Anglian Water

Local Plan Review

10. Date of the next meeting: Wednesday 20 January 2021 6.55pm