November 2024 Minutes
Timberland and Thorpe Tilney Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Date Monday 18th November, 2024
Start time: 19:00
Close: 20.33
Meeting Location Timberland Village Hall
Attendees: Councillors Lenton (Chair), Kornat, Slater, Sharplin and Audis
Clerk – Kay Harvey
District Councillors Rob Kendrick and Sarah Lawrence
Apologies for Absence: None
1. Parishioner open forum
There were five members of the public in attendance. Former Chairman – Ian Stirling, former Clerk- Cheryl Burbidge and Mrs S Sharman (wife of the late councillor John Sharman) all attended to give personal thanks to Cllr Kornat for her excellent service and support to the Parish Council and wish her good luck in the future.
One Parishioner attended to offer her services with regards to the Timberland Family Fun Day. Cllr Kornat will talk to this parishioner and the other interested party separately and report back to the PC in the coming weeks.
2. Apologies for absence
3. Declarations of interest
4. Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of meeting on Monday 30th September 2024 were approved following the amendment to agenda item 10.2 poppies.
Proposed: Cllr Audis, Seconded: Cllr Kornat. All Agreed
5 . District & County Councillor remarks
Cllr Kendrick has circulated his monthly update which is displayed on the TTTPC website. Cllr Kendrick also wished to relay his personal thanks to Cllr Kornat for all of her hard work. Cllr Kendrick touched on the ongoing success of Lincoln Castle and the live events that are bringing a massive injection of finances to the area. The County Council Finances are sound and are waiting for the current government to release the next year spending amounts.
6. Planning
Nothing to discuss.
7. Highways
• Cllr Kendrick has advised that moving the 30mph signs is not something that highways will look to do in the immediate future.
• Cllr Kendrick has received from the Clerk, photographs of the damaged wall near the dyke at Church Lane. He has confirmed that it has been passed to the planning department and still no further forward on ownership.
• Cllr Audis has reported loose chippings on Timberland Fen to ‘fix my street’.
• Cllr Audis has reported that the salt bins are half full but rock solid.
Action: Clerk to take more pictures of damaged culvert and the surrounding area and send to Cllr Kendrick.
Action: Clerk to contact Highways to ask for salt bins to be refilled.
8 Standing Parish items
8.1 Timberland Green
• Cllr Kornat has handed over the lease file back to the Clerk, also advised we still don’t have confirmation that the lease of the green has been registered.
• Cllr Audis has investigated benches and replacement shelters, and they are approx. £450 and upwards of £2000 respectively. The PC have agreed to investigate this further next year.
• Cllr Audis has talked to the person that has been carrying out stonework at the church. The capping on the top of the wall bordering Timberland Green is damaged in parts but the cost would be quite extensive for the church and there are no plans to repair.
• Clerk has written to Church Warden about their ongoing works list and is yet to receive a response.
• Cllr Kornat has prepared posters to be distributed in appropriate places around the village to try and tackle the ongoing issue of dog waste. There was also a two-page article in Grapevine regarding dog waste and the importance of picking up after your dog.
8.2 Timberland Village Hall
• The roof repairs have now been successfully completed and all found asbestos has been safely removed and areas made good.
• The PC needs to appoint a representative for the VH when Cllr Kornat leaves in December. The next meeting for the VH committee is in January. Cllr Lenton will discuss options with the VH Chair.
8.3 Grounds Maintenance
• The dyke at Bayfield Road has been cleared, bushes cut down and the water is flowing freely through the dyke drain.
• The VH Chair is now in receipt of the PC asset list and the PC insurance.
• Cllr Audis has now finished the Bayfield Road grass cutting for the year and the clerk has invoiced Lincolnshire County Council £180.
Action: Clerk to contact LCC to ask for the bushes to be cut back on the footpath behind the Bayfield houses.
8.4 Family fun Day 2024
• A new volunteer is required to organise the 2025 FFD. There have been two applications of interest from parishioners. Cllr Kornat will talk to both parishioners to see if they can work together on organising the FFD.
Action: Cllr Kornat to advise PC when discussions have been held with two interested parties to run the FFD.
8.5 Emergency Planning
• Cllr Slater will attend Emergency Planning meeting in Lincoln on 28th November and will report back on any outcomes that will affect the PC emergency plan.
8.6 Social media
• A full review of the content of the Timberland Parish website will be undertaken to ensure that it is brought up to date and old information is removed.
Action: Clerk and Cllr Slater to meet with new webmaster to update and ensure that the PC website is maintained going forward.
8.7 Parish Council
• Following discussion, the PC agreed to co-opt Dave Nash a new councillor.
Proposed: Cllr Audis, Seconded: Cllr Lenton, All agreed.
• Cllr Lenton and Cllr Kornat will meet two other applicants and will report back to the PC with recommendations following the interview.
Action: Cllr Lenton to contact Dave Nash to advise of the outcome of his application,
Action: Clerk to contact elections team to advise of new co-opted councillor and prepare paperwork. Elections will also provide the official notification to go on noticeboards.
8.8 Human Resources
• Clerk has successfully applied for the litter picker grant. The PC have now received £115.91 into the PC bank account.
8.9 Correspondence
• The Clerk has secured an acceptable quote of £1866.00 including VAT for a full defib set up, this includes casing, signage, the defib and the first year’s maintenance. The cost will be covered by the amount raised by the Penny Farthing Inn which is £1885.00. The PC can claim the VAT back (£311.00) which can be used for the initial costs of annual maintenance. Community training can also be arranged as part of the initial set up of new defib.
• The PC agreed to purchase a second defibrillator to be installed at the Penny Farthing pub using the funds donated by the Penny Farthing. The PC has agreed that ongoing maintenance costs will be funded by the PC.
Proposed Cllr Kornat, Seconded Cllr Sharplin, all agreed.
• Cllr Sharplin to show Clerk how to check defib.
Action: Clerk to order defib and organise payment and delivery asap.
Action: Clerk to check if current defib is included in the PC insurance.
9 Finance Status Update
9.1 Accounts Status / Finance update
• Bank Balances – Community Account £5652.81 (inc £1855.00 defib donation), Reserve Account £8907.38 (inc £2003.71 CIL), Family Fun Day Account £1,544.04
9.2 Payments for Approval
The following payments were discussed and agreed by the PC:
• Clerk Salary £480.40
• Clerk Expenses £20.00
• Clerks PC expenses £17.00 toner & £89.49 poppies and wreath for parish
• Litter Picker £73.21
• The Community Heart Beat annual maintenance of the defibrillator £151.20
• Cheque 100822 for HMRC £120.00
Proposed Cllr Kornat, Seconded Cllr Slater, ALL agreed.
• Cllr Lenton has circulated the finance tracker which is up to date with all spending for the PC so far as well as the predicted spend until end of FY24/25. The Finance Committee will meet in December to discuss the 2025 precept.
Action: Cllr Lenton to organise meetings with Finance Committee in December
11 Agenda items for next meeting (January 20th 2025)
Meeting closed at 20.33