July 2024 Minutes
Timberland and Thorpe Tilney Parish Council Meeting Minutes (Draft)
Date Monday 15th July, 2024
Start time: 19:00
Close: 21.08
Meeting Location Timberland Village Hall
Parish Councillors Lenton ), Kornat (Chair), Slater, Sharplin and Audis
Clerk – Kay Harvey
County Councillor Rob Kendrick
District Councillor Adrian Whittle
Apologies for Absence: none
1. Parishioner open forum
No Parishioners in attendance.
2. Apologies for absence
Cllr Lenton attended via a Teams call. Cllr Kornat chaired the meeting.
3. Declarations of interest
4. Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of meeting on Monday 20th May 2024 were approved.
Proposed: Cllr Slater, Seconded: Cllr Audis. All Agreed
5 . District & County Councillor remarks
Cllr Whittle provided an update on the asbestos issue at the Village Hall. Cllr Whittle kindly arranged a drone survey that looked closely at the roof, and he feels that there isn’t a significant issue, the roof is in very good condition however the ridge tiles need replacing and any removal of asbestos should solve the issue.
Action: Cllr Kornat will discuss findings with the Village Hall Committee.
The Parish would like to thank Cllr Whittle for the attention he has given the Village Hall roof issue.
Cllr Kendrick advised of an approved £6million scheme to repair the roads in the area with a number of roads ‘below b’ and requiring resurface. With the change of government there will be a significant change in decisions on solar farm approvals, the government will also look to lift the ban on offshore turbines which could impact the parish area.
Cllr Kendrick has asked that he be provided with all emails that have been sent to highways in respect of moving the 30 MPH signs on entry / exit points to the village. He advised that there are reviews within the Highways department
Cllr Kendrick also attended a meeting today with the Emergency Planning teams, he commended the PC for having our emergency plan in place. He has also agreed to assist the PC in transferring the information about the flood impacted houses in the village.
Action: Clerk to forward highways speeding signs email to Cllr Kendrick.
Action: Clerk and Cllr Slater to collate list of addresses impacted by the flood and forward to Cllr Kendrick.
6. Planning
• The PC has received notification of a renewed application but for a smaller Anaerobic Digestor Plant to be built on the Metheringham Airfield grounds. The PC will adopt the same position as with the last application, attend any meetings arranged by Fighting MAD and inform local villagers of their options shpuld they wish to object.
7. Highways
• The PC has received a schedule from the Highways Department regarding the resurfacing of a number of local roads. As yet there is no exact scheduled date.
• Cllr Kendrick will forward details on the road closures as and when he has them.
8 Standing Parish items
8.1 Timberland Green
• ROSPA inspection has been booked for August at the reduced rate.
• Cllr Audis to get quotes and or purchase fence posts to make good the area where the football may go out of bounds (for the village green). The quote will be shared by email and subject to cost, the PC will approve.
• The wooden bench at the village green is warped and should ideally be replaced.
Action: Clerk to investigate costs of a shelter and a bench for village green.
• Cllr Kornat advised that it was commented on the day of the Family Fun Day how beautifully kept the village green is. The PC would like to thank Cllr Audis for all of his hard work maintaining the village green throughout the year.
8.2 Timberland Village Hall
• Cllr Kornat has been in discussions with the Chair of the Village Hall Committee. The asbestos problem is still on going.
Action: Cllr Lenton to send the VH Chair a copy of the PC asset list.
8.3 Community Market
• Next Community Markets will take place on Thursday 25th July 2024
• Cllr. Kornat reported that the Community Market is still well attended and still raising money
• All monies raised goes towards VH improvements.
8.4 Grounds Maintenance
• Cllr Audis has advised that the culvert wall at the dyke near the gate at the bottom of Church Lane is falling down. The PC is unsure who owns this so will investigate further.
• Volunteers (arranged through the County Council) are embarking on a day in the village on Thursday 18th July to carry out various works.
• Village maintained dykes have now been cleared by Richard South. The Bayfield Road dyke still remains. uncleared, and the briars need cutting back.
• Clerk has invoiced LCC for the half year grass cutting.
Action: Clerk to take pictures of damaged culvert wall and forward to Cllr Kendrick
Action: Clerk to contact Sarah Wells (Lincolnshire County Council) to ask them to clear the Bayfield dyke and cut back all briars along the dyke and footpath.
8.5 Family fun Day 2024
• The family fun day took place on Saturday the 13th July and was the most well attended with the raffles and stalls raising record amounts.
• Cllr Kornat will collate all of the FFD monies and pay in to the PC account where the clerk will move to the specific FFD account. Cllr Kornat will provide a spreadsheet for PC records which will remain on file.
• Decision to be made if the FFD is to be an annual event and who will lead the organisation.
• The PC will put together a Facebook post with pictures and details of the FFD.
• The PC would like to formally thank everyone that was involved in the set up and running of the day.
Action: Cllr Slater to post FFD details to the PC Facebook page
8.6 Social Media
• The PC has been made aware of a post on a village social media page which was critical of the PC regarding grass verges
• The PC has agreed to draft a response to clarify that grass verges are not the PC’s responsibility, this is a matter for LCC
• Grapevine magazine dealine date for submissions is due in the next week. Once publishedand the PC will distribute.
8.7 Correspondence
• Email received from parishioner asking for the PC to investigate putting a ‘bleed kit’ in the phone box where the defib is kept.
• Email received from a parishioner concerned about dog waste in the village. The PC is aware of this on going issue. The PC has increased the number of signs and dog waste bins but unfortunately is unable to enforce anything further.
• Cllr Kornat has received an email from the landlady at the Penny Farthing Pub, they have been raising funds to pay for a defibrillator, to be placed either in or outside of the pub. They have £1800.00 so far. The PC has been asked if the PC will purchase the defib with this funding and take on the responsibility to maintain it along with the defibrillator on the corner of Martin Road.
Action: Clerk to investigate costs and purpose of bleed kits
Action: Clerk to contact community heartbeat who owns the current defib in the phone box in our village, to see if the PC purchases a second machine is there any discount/ get costs etc. Investigate purchase costs and how much per year a second defib would cost to maintain.
Action: Cllr Kornat to enquire whether the freeholder of the Penny Farthing has given permission for a defib to be sited in or around the pub.
9 Finance Status Update
9.1 Accounts Status / Finance update
• Bank Balances – Community Account £5220.16, Reserve Account £8874.19, Family Fun Day Account £267.19
9.2 Payments for Approval
All Payments listed are to be paid via Bank Transfer / petty cash
• Clerk Salary £480.40
• Clerk Expenses £20.00
• Parish Expenses reimbursed to Clerk £17.49
• Litter Picker £66.68
• Cllr Audis Mower fuel and paint £64.54
• Cllr Lenton materials for volunteer works £234.49
• Cheque 100820 for HMRC £17.97
• Cllr Kornat postage £3.80 (paid from petty cash)
Proposed Cllr Kornat, Seconded Cllr Lenton, ALL agreed.
• The PC have now started to spend some of the CIL monies on various things that require attention in the Village.
Action: Cllr Lenton to meet with Finance Committee to update half year spending on the PC finance tracker
Action: Clerk to update the CIL tracker with up to date spending and circulate.
10 Supplementary Items
10.1 Parish Council Documents (including in storage container)
• On going action to create a document log, PC agreed not urgent but does need creating at some point.
Action: Clerk to create document log and circulate
10.2 Emergency Planning
• PC to provide Cllr Kendrick with names and addresses of affected properties during our recent floods so that he can contact the S19 teams and see if they are going to carry out individual inspections.
Action: Cllr Slater and Clerk to gather information on flood victims in the PC for Cllr Kendrick, Clerk to send to Cllr Kendrick.
10.3 Notice Boards
• Notice board on Fen Road is now completed, action now closed.
10.4 Annual Audit
• Clerk has now completed the Parish Annual Audit. The PC awaits confirmation from the external audit company which is due in the coming weeks.
Action: Clerk to produce Notice of Public Rights and display when audit confirmed.
10.5 Parish Council Vacancies
• There are still two Parish Council Vacancies which are still being advertised on the village notice boards and the Parish Council website.
• Cllr Kornat gave notice of her resignation as a parish councillor which will take effect at the end of 2024.. Cllr Kornat will remain as VC and on the committees of which she is a member until leaving the PC.
10.6 CIL Spending
• Spreadsheet to be created to keep track of current CIL spending
Action: Clerk to report CIL spending to LCC
11 Agenda items for next meeting
Nothing so far
11. Meeting Closure
Meeting closed 21.08