August 2023 Minutes
Timberland and Thorpe Tilney Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Date Monday, 18th September 2023
Start time: 19:00
Close: 21:29
Meeting Location Timberland Village Hall
Councillors Lenton (Chair), Kornat, Audis, Slater, J Hollingsworth and G Hollingsworth
Clerk – Kay Harvey
Apologies for Absence:
County Councillor Rob Kendrick and Councillor Sharplin
0. Parishioner open forum
No parishioners were present.
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Kendrick and Cllr Sharplin
2. Declarations of interest
3. Minutes of previous meeting
Amendment of May 15th minutes of a payment figure was amended to £53.30 for Cllr Audis and minutes agreed as correct.
17th July minutes agreed as correct.
Proposed Cllr Audis, Seconded by Cllr Kornat. All Agreed
4. District & County Councillor remarks
No Comments at meeting due to Cllr Kendrick not attending.
5. Planning
• Appeal has been made by residents at Aukland Crescent, no action required from PC
6. Highways
• Signs now fixed at Timberland crossroads, action now closed.
• Highways have confirmed that they will look to paint 30MPH roundels on the road at both main entrances to the village as well as put a speeding monitoring trap on the road, no dates given for when this may happen.
• PC have decided to hold investigations in to Village Gates at the moment.
Action: Clerk to contact Highways to ask if any dates for this to happen
7. Parish items
7.1 Community Market
• Cllr. Kornat reported that the next Community Market will be on 21st October 2023
7.2 Timberland Green
• Cllr. Kornat reported negotiations are still on going and will look to discuss break clauses with agent before agreeing to any renewal.
Action: Cllr Kornat to report back on progress at the next PC meeting.
• Cllr. Slater confirmed work on grant applications for village green equipment is on-hold until a lease extension has been agreed. Item will remain in minutes pending progress on lease negotiation.
• ROSPA inspection has not taken place, due to an admin error with the booking. PC’s have agreed that if we do not need an annual inspection then we leave it for this year. Clerk to confirm with insurance company that its not a requirement of our policy.
Action: Clerk to report back on insurance requirements regarding inspection of any play equipment and to find out what other local PC’s do with regards to insuring play areas.
• Shed has now been removed and seed planted to encourage grass on the shed site. Action now closed.
7.3 Grounds Maintenance
• We have now received the income for the grass cutting from LCC £162.00 for the first half of the season cut, an invoice will be sent at end of the season (October).
• Overgrown footbath behind houses at Bayfield Road
Action : Clerk to contact Sarah Wells to ask if they can come and trim hedges
• Agreed to remove the Dog waste dispenser as the bags were being taken in volume and expectation is that responsible dog owners should carry their own.
Action : Cllr Audis to remove the dispenser
7.4 Village Hall
• Sky bill will be divided at end of year contract and 50% requested from Village Hall
Action: Clerk will advise of end of year date and final bill
• Cllr. J Hollingsworth is working with the VH committee to address concerns with the repairs required on the Village Hall. There are several damp patches on the ceiling, mould inside the hallway ceiling, crack in the back wall and damp in the men’s restroom. Cllr J Hollingsworth has enlisted a builder that will give advice and quotes, and this is now being taken to the VH committee for discussion. There is also suggestion that a cupboard at back of VH is required to house new chairs and tables. The next VH committee meeting is 28th September.
Action: Cllr J Hollingsworth to report back to PC on decisions following VH Committee Meeting
• Cllr Audis has suggested that a plaque be sourced to sit near to the rose tree that was donated by the PC for the Queens Jubilee. PC have agreed to wait until next year to ensure the rose lives through the winter season.
• Village Hall and Village Green are now reinsured. PC have asked for confirmation that contents of the VH and the Green are included.
Action: Clerk to check insurance schedule and print off and display insurance certificates in Village Hall Notice Board.
7.5 Emergency Warden
• Cllr Slater and Cllr G Hollingsworth are working on the Emergency Plan.
• Cllr Slater will make any final changes required to the draft Emergency Plan and hand over to Cllr G Hollingsworth for implementation. We are now registered with Lincs Emergency Planners.
• Action: Cllr Slater to perform full handover to Cllr G Hollingsworth
7.6 Parish Dykes
• Clerk has contacted Ryan Davies and received the redacted letter that was sent out to residents whose homes have boundaries to the dykes. It was agreed that as the letters only went to residents in September and Ryan is yet to re-inspect, that Cllr Lenton holds off writing out to residents at the time.
Action: Clerk to contact Ryan Davies to ask for a date when he is due to come and reinspect
7.7 Parish Council Documents
• Cllr Kornat provided all councillors with a revised and updated set of documents. The Financial Regulations document remains pending and will be updated and approved in due course. This document must be proposed and accepted by the PC.
Action: Cllr Kornat to update the Financial Regulations for review and approval at next meeting
7.8 Notice boards
• Cllr J Hollingsworth has researched the cost of acrylic to replace the ‘cloudy’ front we currently have on the main village notice board on Fen Road.
Action: Cllr J Hollingsworth on going investigations and will report back costs to PC.
7.9 Family Fun Day 2024
• Cllr J Hollingsworth has started the project of running the FFD 2024. Provisional date (13th July 2024), bookings of attractions and entertainment. Confirmed the PC will donate set aside FFD monies and looking in to costs to ensure the event is successful, can raise funds and cover costs.
• PC to donate £300 to FFD 2024, Proposed Cllr G Hollingsworth, Seconded Cllr Slated, ALL agreed.
8.0 Social Media
• Cllr J Hollingsworth will mock-up a Facebook site to show how it would be used by the PC, has provided details of other PC’s and how they run their social media, most neighbouring PC’s have official sites and posts on Facebook.
• PC agreed any posts to be ‘pre-agreed’, two or more administrators on the page to ensure that the page is monitored and actioned promptly. PC have agreed to five suggested posts that Cllr J Hollingsworth has mocked up.
8.1 Training
• Clerk to attend Clerks training day, induction has been completed.
• Clerk to organise the ‘New PC Training’ for Cllr’s J & G Hollingsworth.
Action: Clerk to continue researching dates that are suitable for Clerk and new PC’s to attend induction courses.
8.2 Litter Picker
• Blank ‘schedule’ contract with Cllr Kornat and Cllr Lenton to review.
Action : Clerk to search for job description for Litter Picker. Clerk to reapply for the Litter Picker Grant.
8.3 Asset List
• Cllr Lenton has updated Parish asset list as previous list outdated.
Action: Clerk to check insurance to see if we require an up-to-date asset list. Clerk to ask LALC what purpose an asset list is for the Parish.
9 Clerk Update
9.1 Bank Balance / Finance
Clerk confirmed the financial position on 18th September 2023 was as follows:
Community Account £9.396.59
Business Account £1,977.51
9.2 Payments / Cheques
Payments for approval:
100789 T Audis Lock and Keys £33.98, Fuel £46.32, Total Cheque amount £80.32
100790 NKDC Election paperwork £66.96
100791 E Kornat Printing £64.05
100793 Clerk Salary £507.80
100794 Clerk Parish Consumables £21.48
100795 Litter Picker Salary £68.40
100796 HMRC Salary tax £50.54
Proposed: Cllr. G Hollingsworth, Seconded: Cllr. J Hollingsworth. All agreed.
Destroyed cheques:
9.3 Correspondence
Nothing to report
9.4 Clerk Post
• Clerk now in post for 9 months with probationary meeting booked for October and contract will be issued at this point.
9.5 Consumables
• Suggestion that printer toner and paper to be reviewed at end of year to see if any cheaper alternative could be put in place.
Action : Clerk to research suppliers and costs at end of year.
9.6 Agenda item for the next meeting
• Precept
• Review of Finance overview at Parish Council Meetings
9.7 Meeting Closure
Meeting closed at 21.29.