May 2023 Minutes
Timberland and Thorpe Tilney Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Date & time Monday, 15th May 2023 – 7pm
Meeting Location Timberland Village Hall
Councillors Lenton (Chair), Kornat, Audis, Slater, Sharplin
Parish Clerk Kay Harvey
County Councillor Kendrick
Councillor Lawrence
Apologies for Absence: Councillor Ogden
0. Welcome to Parish Council Meeting & Parishioner open forum
There were two parishioners present. No questions or comments were raised.
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Ogden.
2. Declarations of interest
Cllr Audis rescinded a declaration of interest in the Scopwick Solar Farm proposal.
3. Minutes of previous meeting
It was agreed that the minutes of the PC Meeting held on 13th March 2023 are a true and accurate record of the meeting. No amendments were required.
Proposed: Cllr. Kornat, Seconded: Cllr. Audis. All agreed.
4. District & County Councillor remarks
• Cllr. Kendrick attended the meeting and updated on ongoing issues with roads and potholes. Richard Davies Exec Director of Highways has visited the Fen Road and agreed that it is one of the worst he has seen, await next steps.
• Updated on our regions Fire Service and that they now have a full national training centre at Waddington.
• Speeding continues to be an issue in the villages and surrounds, has given some areas to investigate that may support the PC in looking to reduce speed, Speed Watch, Gates at entrance to Village, Speed signs.
• Solar Farm is ongoing, nothing further to report but action groups are still pushing forward with objections. The same applies to the Digestor plant at Martin Moor. Another fact finding exercise has now come to light at Walcott North Moor (Digby route) for a slightly smaller plant.
• Road sweeper still to be investigated for not carrying out some of the village verge sweeps correctly.
• Cllr Lawrence attended the meeting for the first time in her new appointment. All councillors welcomed her attendance, she gave apologies from Cllr Ogden.
5. Planning
• Nothing to report
Actions Who Updates
Check whether the bungalows on Hallams Lane have been included and whether property conversions are included Clerk No record of a specific CIL payment with regards to Hallams Lane properties can be found. It is therefore assumed to be included in the general payment. Action closed and can be removed at the next meeting.
6. Highways
• Using FixMyStreet to report potholes in the village is the right way forward, will keep reporting.
• The Bird flu signs still need to be removed from side of road at top of Village.
• Cllr. Audis reported that the road sweeper has been around the village and has missed areas and left mud on the road in certain places.
Actions arising Who Updates
Clerk to contact Cllr Kendrick to advise Bird Flu signs still need to be collected Clerk Clerk to reissue email to Cllr Kendrick as a reminder.
Clerk to contact Cllr Kendrick regarding Road Sweeper Clerk Clerk to reissue email to Cllr Kendrick as a reminder.
Clerk and PC’s to continue to report any pot holes on Fix My Street Clerk & PC All Councillors are aware – this action is closed.
7. Parish items
7.1 Community Market
• Cllr. Kornat reported that the next Community Market would take place on Thursday 18th May and that so far this year, the monthly event has continued to be well supported.
7.2 Timberland Green
• Cllr. Kornat has negotiated the extension of the Land for the Timberland Green, a 10 year extension has been offered but it will be investigated if the lease term can be extended, to perhaps 15 years?
• Clerk to find out when ROSPA is due to inspect the equipment.
• The shelter / shed on Timberland Green is in need of repair or replacing
• Cllr. Slater is looking into grants that could be used to purchase new play equipment and to repair or replace the shed which is in a serious state of disrepair a reported previously.
• Cllr. Slater has shared details by email of the cost proposals for new play equipment for the village green. Councillors are requested to review the details for awareness but there will be no further action of this until the lease extension is completed.
Actions arising Who Updates
Cllr. Slater to report on status of grants for play equipment and shed. Cllr. Slater Ongoing
Cllr Kornat in ongoing negotiations for lease extension. It will be investigated if an increased duration to the 10 year lease can be negotiated. Cllr Kornat New Action
Clerk to advise when ROSPA are due to inspect Clerk New Action
7.3 Grounds Maintenance
• Cllr. Audis reports all ok, grass cuts being done fortnightly as agreed.
7.4 Village Hall
• Cllr. Kornat attended the TVH AGM on the 17th April, happy to report that they are busy increasing the amount of social activities in the VH, their Treasurer reported that they have a health bank balance and are looking to reinvest some grant money and our donation in to new chairs and tables.
• VH investigating a licence to sell alcohol at events.
• Main annual fund raiser event is a Barn Dance on the 26th August.
• Sky bill still to be worked out and the 50/50 split amount will be advised once this has been done.
• Cheques have been issue to the VH from the Parish Council for the annual rent of the hall for PC meeting and our Family Fun Day 2022 donation monies (please see payments under Clerks update)
Actions arising Who Updates
Clerk to investigate SKY bill as have been advised by SKY that we may have been charged incorrectly Clerk
7.5 Emergency Warden
• Cllr Slater has prepared a comprehensive report detailing the proposed terms of reference for the role of Emergency Warden. This has been circulated to all councillors and awaits comment and feedback.
Actions arising Who Updates
Clerk in discussion with Flood Risk Officer regarding Bayfield Dyke Clerk Ongoing
Cllr. Slater to check on statutory requirements for emergency planning and to report back at the next council meeting. Cllr Slater Councillors to review and respond with comments to the proposed terms of reference as shared by Councillor Slater. Target for responding is 26th May.
7.6 Parish Dykes
• Clerk has received an email from Flood Office Ryan Davies asking who our wardens are and if we are any further forward with the Dyke responsibility.
Actions arising Who Updates
Clerk to organize site visit with Ryan Davies, Cllr Slater, Cllr Audis and Clerk to discuss responsibility Clerk New action
Clerk to investigate the option of checking deeds of near by properties to see if any responsibility Clerk New action
7.7 Parish Council Vacancy
• Two applications of interest have been received by the Chair for the councillor vacancies. Both applicants were present at the meeting and were asked to leave the hall while their applications were discussed by the PC. The applications in both cases were unanimously approved.
• Jackie Ann Hollingsworth and and Glen Hollingsworth were welcomed to the PC by the Chair and were invited to join the PC at the table. New councillors cannot contribute to discussions until the next PC meeting.,
• Proposed: Cllr Kornat, Seconded Cllr Sharplin All agreed
Actions arising Who Updates
Clerk to send relevant paperwork to new councillors for signature Clerk New action
Clerk to forward training course to new PC to ensure they have what they need Clerk New action
7. Parish Council Documents
• Cllr Kornat is working on these documents along with Chair and these will be issued in hard copy to each PC at the July Parish Meeting.
Actions arising Who Updates
8 Clerk Update
8.1 Bank Balance / Finance
• Clerk confirmed the financial position on Sunday 14th May 2023 was as follows:
Community Account £11,779.45
Business Account £1,968.13
Unpresented Cheques £1353.80
Balance: £12,393.78
8.2 Payments / Cheques
• Clerk presented the following payments for approval by the council:
100775 Clerk Salary £453.60
100776 Litter Picker Salary £68.40
100777 LALC Website Subscription £204.00
100778 T Audis Mower fuel £31.80
100779 Timberland VH FFD donation £496.00
100780 Timberland VH Hall hire for PC meetings £100.00
• PC approved the payments.
Proposed: Cllr. Audis, Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin. All agreed.
8.3 Audit
• Audit now completed and signed off by independent authority of Diane Byard, Chair to sign exemption form and Clerk will send to correct audit route and then publish on our website
8.4 Correspondence
• Clerk to ensure that all new letters are forward to all PC
• Dates for next year meetings agreed and will be published on website and notice boards, hall booked-
• The PC has received two emails from parishioners raising concerns about speeding vehicles entering the village on Station Road and Martin Road. Ongoing discussions to take place on what we can do as a PC. Cllr Kendrick has given some advice.
Actions arising Who Updates
Clerk to respond promptly to any further contact from Parishioners regarding speeding and forward to PC for further discussion Clerk New action
Clerk to investigate Speed Watch as suggested by Cllr Kendrick, as a possible initiative to put in to the village to help reduce speeding Clerk New Action
Clerk to contact Highways at Lincs CC to request repositioning of the 30MPH signs on Station Road Clerk Clerk to issue email reminder to CC Kendrick.
8.5 Clerk Post
• Clerk has now been in post for four months.
Actions arising Who Updates
Cllr. Lenton and clerk to ensure that all employment paperwork is signed to complete the onboarding process. Cllr. Lenton / Clerk On going, new payscales have been forwarded to Chair and will prepare relevant paperwork for Clerk
8.6 Asset List
• Revision of current asset list to take place. Need to ensure that correct amounts are on for the village assets (also included in the audit each year). This matter will be taken up by the Finance Committee who will review the purpose of the Asset List and how the valuation of each item can be accurately determined. Finance Committee to report back at the next PC meeting.
Actions arising Who Updates
9. Agenda item for the next meeting
• Family Fun Day 2024
• Asset List
• HR & Finance Committees representatives
9 Meeting Closure
Meeting closed at 20.51pm