November 2021 Minutes

z-Village crest



Wednesday 24th November 2021 7pm

Timberland Village Hall


Parishioners not in attendance    

Those present at the meeting: Parish Councillors Audis, Kornat, Lenton, Sharplin, Slater and Stirling and the Parish Clerk

1. Apologies for Absence

Cllrs. Kendrick, Sharman, and Ogden

2. Declarations of Interest


3. Minutes of Previous Meeting 15th September 2021

Agreed: All Correct

Proposed:       Cllr. Kornat   Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed

Matters arising:

Thorpe Tilney hedge this has now been cut by the parishioner 

No further action required

Safety Fence - work scheduled to be repaired via Fix my Street.      

Minute Format

A general discussion took place discussing how to monitor any actions agreed in minutes.

Agreed: All actions agreed at the meeting to indicate action required, by whom and date indicating action taken and whether it is ongoing or completed.

Clerk to look at options as to how this can be shown in the minutes for clarity.

Proposed: Cllr. Slater       Seconded:  Cllr. Sharplin

All Agreed

4.  District and County Councillor Remarks

Not Present – report via email

5. Planning

Notices have been received in respect of the Manor House and distributed to the full Council infrastructure request update

Agreed: A second request to be sent to Anglian Water requesting the layout of the pipe infrastructure etc across the Parish.


6. Highways

Potholes continue to be a concern.

Agreed:  All Councillors to report on Fix my Street with photographs if possible.


7. Parish Items

7.1 Community Market

The next market is scheduled for the 25th of November 2021 10-12 in the Village Hall. 

A new banner has been kindly donated by two parishioners.

Action by Clerk: None             Councillors: Ongoing plans with the planning group

7.2 Timberland Green

7.2.1 Mower Service

A general discussion took place. Cllr. Audis informed the Council it is £195 for the annual service plus parts if undertaken by Charles Hill.

Agreed: Councillors Stirling and Audis to speak to Charles Hill to discuss a Service Agreement that may financially benefit the Council. This would ensure that the mower is maintained to increase longevity for the mower as it would be expensive to replace.

7.2.2    Standard Operating Procedures - Mole Traps Laying

Agreed: Cllr. Slater to complete and send to the full Council for inclusion with Standing Orders

7.2.3         Mole Traps

Agreed: Cllr. Audis to purchase another two mole traps

Cllr. Kornat to give additional mole notices to Cllr. Audis for display around the Timberland Green.

These have been completed

7.2.4         Timberland Green Shelter

A general discussion took place to replace/fix the shelter when a response from Dyson has been received. Dyson have been known to donate sheds to other groups. 

Clerk to contact Dyson again.   

Letter sent 26th November and a response has not been received.

7.3 Grounds Maintenance

The final invoice for Bayfield has been submitted for payment

7.4 Family Fun Day

The subgroup has met, and all is on track for 2022. 

Action by Clerk: None             Planning Group: Ongoing

7.5 Timberland Village Hall

7.5.1 The work is now complete internally. An article was published in the local paper and the successful project was announced on Radio Lincolnshire. 

Cllr Kendrick officially opened the village Hall. His attendance and support were very much appreciated.

The application for volunteer hours from the LCC contractors was successful and work has started on the outside of the building.             Ongoing

7.5.2   Parish Council payment for use of the building

Agreed: Clerk to write to the Committee offering a payment of £100 per year to cover all Parish Council use of the building to commence April 2022 with a prop-rota payment for the remainder of the year.

Proposed: Cllr. Audis      Seconded:   Cllr. Stirling

All agreed                                                                    

Completed Agreement Reached

7.5.3 Emergency Kit Storage

Agreed: Clerk to contact the Village Hall Committee about storage.    


7.5.4 Keys

Agreed: Cllr. Kornat to discuss access to keys with the chair of the Village Hall Committee and any costs involved

Confirmation received of proposals for keys for the Parish Council and Emergency Wardens

7.5.5 Public Liability Notice

This has been sent to the Village Hall Committee for display in the village hall.

7.6 Notice Boards

Cllr. Stirling to continue to collaborate with the joiner on production of the two noticeboards at reduced cost.

The exact final amount will not be known until the signage, glass and lighting has been fitted but will be within the already agreed budget. 

7.7 Footpaths

Highways have responded to the Council about the request for a new footpath alongside the B1189 like the Walcott path. His response indicated limited resources and safety were a concern.

Cllr. Lenton and Clerk to meet to discuss the next step with the footpath request.

Discussion taken place and Cllr. Lenton preparing response - ongoing

The Footpath Officer has been informed of the footpath near the transmitter that has not been maintained by the farmer and it has been confirmed that action will be taken based on the level of priority dictated by resources. 

The land is farmed by J H Baxter’s Farming Contractors.

Agreed: Clerk to contact the landowner and the tenant to request that the footpath is cleared. 

Contact has been made with J H Baxter’s Contractors via phone and email.

A formal response has not been received.             Ongoing

7.8 Flood Warden

Agreed: Cllr. Audis to be a flood warden with Cllr. Stirling. The request for volunteer warden to remain on social media.

Request made

7.9 Bowling Green

A general discussion took place. Another idea was discussed as to the possible use of the land if it became available and the project was able to move forward.

Agreed:  Clerk to continue to try and contact the owner with a view to discussing long term use. A long-term lease would enable the Parish Council to access funding for a community managed project.

A response has not yet been received from message left on answer phone                                                                                                                                                   

7.10 Church Lane Dyke

A general discussion took place about the condition of the dyke that should be maintained by the owners of the properties. 

Agreed: No further action to be taken

7.11 Defibrillator

The British Heart Foundation have replaced the battery which is covered by the current arrangement with them. A parishioner has replaced the battery and it is now working fine.

Another parishioner has offered to cover the cost of keeping the telephone box clean.

Cllr. Sharman to relinquish the responsibility of checking the box.

Concern had been raised about the stickers and a pane of glass may need replacing.

Agreed: Cllr Stirling to weekly inspect the defibrillator after checking with Cllr. Sharman.


Cllr. Stirling to inspect the glass in the defibrillator box

Parishioner to be contacted who has offered to regularly have the box cleaned.

Agreed: Clerk to write to Cllr. Sharman thanking him the work to date and the parishioner for the offer to ensure the defibrillator box is cleaned.


8 Clerk’s Update

8.1 Finance

8.1.1 Payments

The following payments were agreed by BACS or cheques

Litter Picker   cheque    £59.11      Salary
Clerk                bacs         415.15      Salary
HMRC           cheque      113.03      Tax
LALC              cheque      126.00     Website
Heartbeat    cheque       151.20     Defib
T Audis          bacs             35.84     Fuel
Clerk              bacs             21.98     Wreath
Clerk              bacs             60.98     M365
Clerk              bacs             61.29    Cartridges
I Stirling        bacs             90.36    Glass for Noticeboard

Proposed: Cllr. Kornat     Second: Cllr. Sharplin

All agreed

8.1.2 Bank Balances

Community Account    7566.40

Business        1963.73

8.1.3 Precept 2022-2023

Councill Slater reported to the Council the proposals to increase the precept element of the Council Tax bills. For 2022-2023.  The Parish Council precept has not been increased since 2013 and after consideration it was proposed that the precept request will be increased for 2022-2023. The estimated impact of the increase could be the estimated sum of £5.53 on a Band D property. The exact figure would not be known until NKDC have produce final figures.

Agreed: Decision to be formalised in January 2022             Ongoing

Parish Council to produce a 5-year expenditure plan.             To be agreed

Clerk to produce a draft spread sheet with Cllr. Slater and the finance subgroup 

Draft completed by Cllr. Slater and to be agreed with finance sub group.  Ongoing

8.1.4 Authorised Payments

Cllr. Sharman has now completed all necessary action to authorise payments.

Agreed: Cllr. Lenton to become the second councillor to authorise payments.

Proposed: Cllr. Audis     Seconded: Cllr. Sharplin

All Agreed   

8.1.5 Debit Card

Agreed: The Clerk to complete all paperwork to apply for a new debit card. This will enable cash to be withdrawn by the Clerk and regular payments can be set up

Cllr. Lenton to confirm ID to firstly become a signatory, then the second authorising Councillor for BACS payments. The debit card can then be applied for.


8.2 Correspondence/Communications

Correspondence has been received requesting details of the Village Hall and this had been responded to the satisfaction of the parishioner. Another Parishioner has raised a concern about speeding after a cat had been killed on Church Lane.

The Council discussed the issue of speeding through the village.

Agreed: The current speeding signs will remain in place and no further action will be taken for now.

There had been correspondence about a local plan and the Clerk has contacted Scopwick Parish Clerk. All correspondence has been sent by the Clerk to the full Council. The due date for the consultation on the Scopwick Plan was given.

Agreed: No further action to be taken.

Tree Allocation Offer

Agreed: No further action


The Clerk informed the Council that it has been confirmed that refills should be requested via fix-my-street when the bins are half full.


The Clerk clarified that all training is run and advertised by LALC. The training is published in the newsletter. Once training has been identified by Councillors the Clerk will book the place on the training.

Agreed: Councillors to identify any training and then request the Clerk to book a place.

Cllr. Slater booked on to online New Councillor Course in February.

9.      Agenda Items for Next Meeting - None

Date of Next Meeting: Monday 24th January 2022 7pm - Timberland Village Hall