Cllr rob kendrick

Councillor Rob Kendrick's update

News from County Councillor Rob Kendrick

(Feel free to share this information)

A15 – B1202 Junction

I know this junction has been a concern for many road users including myself, and I have been raising the issue with Highways and the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. I have been advised that a feasibility report has been completed. This will be taken to the group that looks at capital projects and they will determine what measures should be introduced and what funding is available to do them. So, it’s a case of watch this space. As soon I get more information, I will make it available.


Winter weather – highways teams pull out the stops

The weather last month kept highways teams very busy with floods, snow and sub-zero temperatures to deal with. At the peak there were 42 teams out jetting, sandbagging and conducting reactive maintenance work. They clocked up literally thousands of hours. Our 47-vehicle gritting fleet including “Snowfall Hudson” named after BBC TV weather presenter Paul Hudson. They  covered thousands of miles of roads every time the road temperature dropped to 0.5 degrees spreading hundreds of tonnes of salt.


Together to help prevent suicide

A new network is bringing people together to better support those at risk of taking their own life. The Lincolnshire Suicide Prevention Network brings together a wide range of people, including academics, community members, representatives from the voluntary sector, individuals with lived experience and professionals in relevant fields. It recently met for its inaugural meeting in Sleaford. The aim is to foster a collaborative approach, sharing the group’s diverse skill sets, enhancing and strengthening relationships, and raising greater awareness of suicide prevention efforts through sharing of good practice.

The new network aims to increase involvement in suicide prevention efforts across the health sector, businesses, schools and our local communities. Anyone wanting further information or interested in becoming part of the network should email


Survey shows  opposition to solar “farm” development on agricultural land

A recent survey conducted by the council had one of the biggest responses ever with over 3000 residents giving their views.  Over 80% of respondents expressed concerns regarding solar “farms” and also proposed pylons across the county.  The findings were presented to the council’s Executive on Tuesday. This is clearly confirms the view of the council that developments of this kind should not take place on agricultural land.


County Council elections

There has been talk in the news media of Lincolnshire’s Couty Council elections possibly being cancelled.  I can confirm that the elections will be taking place on 1st May 2025.

Election for the Mayor of Greater Lincolnshire will also take place on the same date.



Councillor Rob Kendrick

Member for Metheringham Rural Division

Chairman of the  Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee

Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln LN1 1YL

Published: Thursday, 6th February 2025