January 2025 Agenda
Parish Council Meeting – Timberland Village Hall
Monday 20th January 2025 @ 7pm
1. Parishioners Open Forum*
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of Previous Meeting
5. County & District Councilor Remarks
6. Planning
7. Highways
8. Standing Parish Items
8.1. Timberland Green
8.2. Timberland Village Hall
8.3. Timberland FFD
8.4. Grounds & dyke maintenance
8.5. Emergency Planning
8.6. Social media
8.7. Parish Council
8.8. Human Resources
8.9. Correspondence
9. Finance Status Update
9.1. Accounts status
9.2. CIL spending
9.3 . Payments for approval
10. Supplementary Items
10.1. Precept
10. Agenda items for next meeting
11. Meeting Close
* There will be a 10-minute public session to offer the opportunity for parishioners to raise parish related issues. Parishioners are not able to speak after the start of the meeting unless asked to comment via the chair.
The final meeting agenda will be displayed in Noticeboards and on the PC website at least 3 working days before the meeting takes place.
Please contact the Clerk if you have any questions before the meeting by emailing timberlandparishclerk@hotmail.co.uk